A Hundred Years From Today?

2024-06-10 10:01 生活百科 0万阅读 投稿:JAVA技巧
A Hundred Years from TodayThe SpanielsEssential R&B Masters

A Hundred Years From Today - The SpanielsDon't save your kisses
Just pass them around
You'll know my reason
A logically found
For who's to knowYou feel passed them around
A hundred years
From today
Why crave a penthouse
Fit for a king
You're nearer heaven
Everyday you seen
And if you had millionsWhat could would they all do
A hundred years from today
And you can laugh and sing
And make love again
Be happy while you may
For your love is one
Beneath the sun and it's bound toMake me feel this way
The moon is shining and that's a good sign
Cling to me daring and say that you'll be mine
Remember we we won't see that see it won't shine
A hundred years from today
One hundred years from today
One hundred years from today
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