Unite boys just feeling just shooting just do itstanding in the fieldunite boyswe are coming back couragetake upyour courage If you wanna see the rainbowyou gotta through the stormnever gonna stop you know it's justlike a warwe are one of teamwe have something morejust feeling just shooting just do itstanding in the field be a heroto yourself keep fightingto the end we'll never losingjust feelingjust shooting just do itstanding in the field unite boyswe are coming back 奔跑 奋不顾身地奔跑百分之一百的自己不留余地
通往球场的路 忽然下起一场雨路人行走匆匆 眼神坚定风雨无阻
just feeling just shooting just do itstanding in the field be a heroto yourself keep fightingto the end we'll never losingjust feelingjust shooting just do itstanding in the field unite boyswe are coming back