Why Should I Wait?

2024-08-04 10:39 生活百科 0万阅读 投稿:StackOverflow

Why Should I Wait
time is running outthis crazy band’s onshaking the fucking minutesand let it bang bang bang
why should wait for youwhy should wait for you
time is running outmy heart’s burning nowpeople come and goyou let me along
why should wait for youwhy should wait for youwhy should wait for youwhy should wait wait for you
why should wait for youwhy shouldwhy should wait for youwhy shouldwhy should wait for youwhy shouldwhy should wait for youwhy should
my heart’s burningmy body is stillmy consciousness flowmy youth passing on the way nowwhy should I wait for
why should wait for youwhy should wait for youwhy should wait for youwhy should wait for youwhy should wait for you...
my youth is passing why should I wait for youmy youth is passing why should I wait for you
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