《Light Of Love (Explicit)》MP3歌词-Florence + The Mac?

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Light Of Love (Explicit)

Florence + The Machine

专辑:Light Of Love (Explicit)

语种: 英语





Light Of Love (Explicit) - Florence + The Machine

Lyrics by:Emile Haynie/Florence Welch/Thomas Bartlett/Andrew Wyatt

Composed by:Emile Haynie/Florence Welch/Thomas Bartlett/Andrew Wyatt

And I came to walking on the train tracks

How did I get here and how do I get back

I've been up all night let's stay awake

Push it further you know I'll never break

At some point in the party I thought my heart was failing

You said "Hey you're ok you seem to be still standing"

Flashes appeared at the corner of my eyes

I saw the stars and I didn't ask why

Heard the voices and caught my breath

So close and yet so far from death

So close and yet so far from death

So close and yet so far from death

Well the feeling was always too much for me it always came too strong

I wanted to get it right so badly that I always got it wrong

So you keep pushing on

You hope it won't be long

Till you could find the child you were

And find a way to get along

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

And oh my little sister when the drugs were wearing off

I climbed into your bed and said "I think I did too much"

In some ways that was simpler being too f**ked up to see

I didn't have to wake up to the world that was around me

And now we are awake and it seems too much to take

I want to close my eyes because I fear my heart will break

I want to look away

I want to look away

I want to look away

I must not look away

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Don't go blindly into the dark

In every one of us shines the light of love

Na na na na na na na ah

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na ah

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na ah

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na ah

Na na na na na na

I want to look away

I want to look away

I want to look away

I must not look away

I must not look away

I must not look away

I must not look away

I must not look away


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