《Dress On》MP3歌词-Justin Timberlake?

2024-06-26 10:08 生活百科 0万阅读 投稿:如何学Python

Dress On

Justin Timberlake

专辑:The 20/20 Experience (Deluxe Version)

语种: 英语





There's something about your body

I'm not in a rush

But girl I'm ready to marry you

Yeah right here in this restaurant

And start on our honeymoon

Why you still got your dress on

Why you still got your dress on yeah

Now I ain't tryina offend nobody

But girl don't they see you

It's cool if they don't

Cause hey I only see me and you

That's why I'm all over you

Why you still got your dress on

Why you still got your dress on

Yeah yeah yeah

I can't wait cause girl

As soon as I look in your face

I see your world where a heart never breaks

And to me that means

That the whole world could change

But not mine

I can't wait the way I know your body

I don't really need much

Girl I know where to touch

Just stay where you are

Drop all your worries

And we can leave all the rest on

We can do it

Why you still got your dress on yeah

Now I ain't tryina offend nobody

But girl don't they see you

It's cool if they don't

Cause hey I only see me and you

That's why I'm all over you

Why you still got your dress on

Why you still got your dress on

Yeah yeah yeah

Now I can't wait cause girl

As soon as I look in your face

I see your world where a heart never breaks

And to me that means

That the whole world could change

But not mine

I can't wait

Let me take you so walk with me

Feel beautiful sand as we take pictures

Hips so wide look like it's got whiskers

Let me put a solid gold on a solid figure

Go ahead show your pretty dinches

Your pretty physique your pretty toes

I'm pretty with you

I do a good job for that pretty picture

You're the prettiest

But I'm the only thing that's missing

I can't wait cause girl

As soon as I look in your face

I see your world where a heart never breaks

And to me that means

That the whole world could change

But not mine yeah

Why you still got your dress on

Still got your still got still still still got your

Why you still got your dress on

I can't wait cause girl

As soon as I look in your face

I see your world where a heart never breaks

And to me that means

That the whole world could change

But not mine


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