
2024-06-21 10:23 生活百科 0万阅读 投稿:Go百科




语种: 英语



我是霸王龙恐龙儿歌英文版 - 亲宝恐龙世界乐园儿歌

I'm a T-Rex

The king of dinosaurs

I have sharp teeth

Sharp sharp teeth

When you see me coming

Just run run run

Roar roar roar roar

I'm a T-Rex

The fiercest dinosaur

Large and strong

Really really strong

When you see me coming

Just run run run

Roar roar roar roar

I'm a T-Rex

Always the best hunter

I like to eat meat

Yummy chewy meet

When you see me coming

Just run run run

Roar roar roar roar

I'm a T-Rex

The king of dinosaurs

I have sharp teeth

Sharp sharp teeth

When you see me coming

Just run run run

Roar roar roar roar

I'm a T-Rex

The fiercest dinosaur

Large and strong

Really really strong

When you see me coming

Just run run run

Roar roar roar roar

I'm a T-Rex

Always the best hunter

I like to eat meat

Yummy chewy meet

When you see me coming

Just run run run

Roar roar roar roar


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