《You You You》MP3歌词-Sam Cooke?

2024-06-21 10:10 生活百科 0万阅读 投稿:Python百科

You You You

Sam Cooke

专辑:Golden Star Collection

语种: 英语


唱片公司:Remember that Records



You you you

I'm in love with you you you

I could be so true true true

To someone like you you you

Do do do

What you ought to do do do

Take me in your arms please do

Let me cling to you you you

We were meant for each other

Sure as heaven is above

To have to hold and to love

You you you

There's no one like you you you

You could make my dreams come true

If you say you love me too

Do do do

What you ought to do do do

Take me in your arms please do

Let me cling to you you you

We were meant for each other

Sure as heaven is above

To have to hold and to love

You you you

There's no one like you you you

You could make my dreams come true

If you say you love me too

You you you

I'm in love with you


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